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Elijah Jacky

Order Technician

Portland, OR

Elijah is one of our technicians who tests equipment before we send it out for order fulfillment. Once he is satisfied that the equipment is up to PivIT's standards, he packs up our order and sends it out. Elijah has been with us for 5 years now and loves how he connects well with his coworkers on various levels.

He enjoys tinkering with computers and other equipment and is fascinated with how fast equipment seems to get on a daily basis. In his spare time, he builds gaming computers, which is one area in which he shares his experience with his coworkers. When he is not building computers, he is building and driving drift cars! His favorites are BMWs because the German technology is just superior. You can also find Elijah reading books by his favorite authors, Kurt Vonnegut, and Jordan B. Peterson,  spending time with his wife Kylie and their daughter, or having fun with their two cats.

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